Slow and steady wins the race. Isn't that the moral of one of Aesop's fables? Reid is teaching us this lesson whether we want to learn or not. The only changes that were made this week were weaning sedation and ordering p.o. feeds to start. Reid is currently on one last sedative (Ativan) that works as an anti-anxiety medication. He was started on this medication prior to surgery to alleviate anxiety related to the stressful procedure, and they continue slowly to wean him. In doing so, they have to keep a close eye on withdrawal symptoms and give him a wean score throughout the day to monitor his response to the wean. Who knew excessive sneezing was a sign of withdrawal for infants? Reid has been handling the weans, and we hope that they become a little more aggressive in attacking this last pain medication.
The other exciting change for the week was the "official" order to start p.o. (fancy latin term, per os, meaning "by mouth") feeds. This past Tuesday, we were given the green light to give Reid two bottles a day. Our speech therapist provided consultation, observed Reid, and listened with her stethoscope as I nervously stuck the bottle in his mouth. She was very impressed with Reid's sucking, swallowing, and breathing and deemed him a "safe eater." She didn't observe any signs of severe reflux or aspiration and was surprised by his coordination of skills for being a rookie- little did she know that he had two previous bottles to hone his abilities:)
Bryan takes his turn at giving the bottle |
Although Reid's homecoming isn't in the immediate future, I thought it was time to organize his nursery at my parent's house. So my mom, Bryan, and I set out to do what my mom, Bryan, and Bryan's aunt did back in sunny June- paint the baby's nursery. Although this time, the painting wasn't done in our rowhouse in Baltimore, but in the house I grew up in in Pennsylvania. Sadly, Reid will never see his beautifully painted room in Baltimore...a room I walked into many times after his birth and sat on the floor crying tears that we would never bring him home, a room where I often closed the door because I couldn't stand to think of what I was going to do with all of the baby shower gifts that sat unopened in heaping piles on the floor. Now, I can think ahead to the day when we bring Reid home, and it feels good to be able to do the "nesting" that I never was able to do before Reid's birth. The painting went surprisingly well, but the project wouldn't have been complete without a few debacles- not enough paint, splattered paint on the ceiling, drips on the floor, and the clumsy foot in the paint tray (I'm not going to name names, but it wasn't me or my mom:)). We have a few finishing touches, and then the room will be all set for the little man's arrival...that day can't come soon enough!
Last event for the week- I turned the big 3-0. When I was little, I always thought of 30 as old- you know, mom age, mom jeans, and mom haircuts. Now, that's me, I'm mom age minus the mom jeans and short haircut...I'm trying to steer clear of those things for life. I couldn't be happier to be the mom of such an awesome kid...he's been through more in his short life than I've experienced in my 30 years...pretty incredible!
Birthday play time:) |
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